Frequently Asked Questions
How long will it take to get my results?
We will have your results within 7 days of receiving your sample. However, if you drop your sample off outside of our normal drop-off hours (after 3 pm) we will not be to intake it until the next day so it might take an extra day.
How much sample do you need?
Flower full compliance: 5.5g
Distillate/Concentrate/Resin/Rosin full compliance: 3.5g
Please make sure distillates are fully homogenized (mixed) before bringing in your samples. The components of a distillate can start to separate after it has been sitting for a while, so try to mix your whole batch up right before sampling.
Pre-Roll Full compliance: 5.5g
Please include full pre-rolls. We are required to test all components of the final product and have found that potency results are higher when we test the full pre-roll versus loose flower.
Edible full compliance: 5.5 g
Added terpenes: 0.5g
What kind of container should I use?
THC likes to stick to plastic, so we recommend using glass containers. The best container possible, would be an amber glass vial. Exposure to sunlight can also reduce potency. Also, please keep your samples cool during transport. If they get too hot (over 80°F) they can start to lose potency.
Other labs ask for less sample. Why do you need so much?
First, the state requires that a full gram of any sample be tested for microbial. Also, we like to have a little bit of extra sample in case we need to rerun a test. We do this so we don’t have to ask you for more sample and delay your results.
Can I send my flower as soon as it is harvested?
Please wait until your flower is fully dried and cured before you send it to us! We have seen that flower that is not fully processed has reduced potency due to residual moisture and chlorophyll.